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Get Help Replacing Your Toilet

Did you know that if your toilet was manufactured before 2004, you may be eligible for a free or rebated toilet? It’s true! Toilets are the biggest water user in most homes. By replacing an older toilet, you can help save water every day and keep your water bill as… [ Keep reading ]

How to Choose a New Water-Efficient Toilet

When it comes to your home’s toilet, you likely don’t think about it too often as long as it’s working the way it should. For many of us, that’s the case. But toilets age and over time, they do need to be replaced. How can you tell if your toilet… [ Keep reading ]

Earth Month In Action: Creating Communities of Young People Empowered to Save Water

It’s a busy Friday afternoon at Soos Creek Elementary. Students whisper to each other as they pass through the hall and shout as they run around the playground. And in Ms. Brown’s sixth grade classroom, everyone is shuffling in their chairs to get a better view of the person that… [ Keep reading ]

Earth Month In Action: Seattle Students Help Restore Native Landscapes at the Cedar River Watershed

When The Downtown School in Seattle needed a place for their high school students to do service learning, they called SPU’s Cedar River Watershed Education Center. The Center, just 35 miles east of Seattle, is a gateway to one of earth’s gems – the Cedar River Municipal Watershed. The watershed… [ Keep reading ]

SPU Celebrates Earth Month

There are many reasons to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day this year, 2022. For Seattle Public Utilities, we see this as a chance to honor the work we do every day to protect, promote, and preserve our natural resources as leaders in our field and innovators in green methods surrounding solid waste, drinking… [ Keep reading ]

Fix Leaks, Save Water

Did you know that leaks waste up to 12% of all water used at home? It’s true! That’s almost as much water as we use doing laundry each year. Join us March 14 – 20 to take the #FixALeakWeek Challenge and check your home for the most common types of… [ Keep reading ]

Preparing for Seattle Winter Weather

With winter weather on the way, SPU has some helpful tips for Seattle residents on how they can prepare beforehand as well as what to do during inclement weather. Seattle may not be known for severe and relentless winter weather, but from time to time, winter storms can hit. A… [ Keep reading ]

Imagine A Day Without Water 2021

Water is arguably the most vital natural resources on earth. Access to reliable, clean, and safe drinking water is one of the most important facets to a city’s community and one of the key components to consider when planning for future infrastructure. For those living and working in the Seattle area, they enjoy access to some of the… [ Keep reading ]

SPU Drinking Fountain Map

The Pacific Northwest is expecting record temperatures this weekend across the region. As a reminder, all of Seattle Public Utilities’ 27 drinking water fountains across the city are working, and we recently replaced several drinking water fountains in an effort to expand access to fresh, potable water. Check out the map below to see where… [ Keep reading ]

Take the Forest to Faucet Challenge

You Are Part of the Water Cycle You know the saying, “What goes around, comes around?” While perhaps that phrase refers to karma, it really rings true with water! Perhaps the most commonplace thing we use every day, water has been coming and going for millennia, sustaining life on planet… [ Keep reading ]