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Wednesday customers reminder and be prepared for snow!

We aren’t quite out of the woods yet with the winter weather this week, so here are a few reminders:

Weekend pick up schedule

Following this week’s snow, solid waste pick up schedules have shifted. Thursday customers were picked up Friday. Friday customers will be picked up Saturday. Wednesday customers can put their carts away until next Wednesday. Customers missed this week (Wednesday customers) will be allowed to set out twice their normal amount… [ Keep reading ]

Hurray, garbage collection is on for today!  

As a reminder, due to winter weather, there is a shift for which customers are serviced today.   Thursday customers should have carts out by 7am today. And regular Friday customers will set carts out for collection by 7am Saturday. Transfer Stations are open today. If your materials are not picked… [ Keep reading ]

Relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project Enters Year Two

City Files Revised Study Plan with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  On January 17, 2025, the City of Seattle submitted its Revised Study Plan (RSP) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This is a key part of the process to renew the license for the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric… [ Keep reading ]

MLK Day Collections Schedule

Due to the recognition of Martin Luther King Jr Day, some customers in Seattle will be on a one-day delayed collection schedule. The delayed collections are due to a Recology and Teamster’s labor agreement that recognizes MLK Day as a non-service day. Seattle Public Utilities and the City of Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Winter Holiday Waste Collection Schedule for 2024 

With the holiday season upon us, we wanted to share an important reminder to customers about our services.  Garbage, recycling, and food & yard waste will not be collected on the following upcoming holidays:   During the weeks of Christmas and New Years, there will be a one-day delay for solid… [ Keep reading ]

2024: A Year of Partnership with Community

2024 End of Year Highlights As 2024 draws to an end, we are looking back on what we’ve accomplished at Seattle Public Utilities over the past year.  In partnership with our community and guided by our vision—Community Centered, One Water, Zero Waste—we’ve tackled challenges, embraced opportunities, and continued our work… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating 50 Years of the Safe Drinking Water Act

On December 16, 1974, the Safe Drinking Water Act was passed by Congress. This landmark federal legislation has been a key driving force safeguarding the quality of tap water in the United States for the past 50 years. Every time you turn on your tap and drink fresh, delicious water,… [ Keep reading ]

SPU Gears Up for Washington State’s 2025 Legislative Session

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has unveiled its ambitious 2025 Legislative Agenda, focusing on environmental stewardship, community health, and affordability. As a municipal utility serving 1.6 million people in the greater Seattle area, SPU’s priorities aim to align its operations with its vision: Community-Centered, One Water, Zero Waste. The 2025 Legislative… [ Keep reading ]

November Free Yard Waste To Help Tackle Storm Recovery

Seattle, we’ve weathered the big storm, but its impact is still being felt. Power outages continue in some areas of the city and crews are working tirelessly to restore service. Meanwhile, fallen leaves and debris are littering yards and walkways, and clogging storm drains, increasing the risk of neighborhood flooding…. [ Keep reading ]