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Take a Virtual Field Trip to the Cedar River Watershed

At the start of the pandemic, one year ago, we had no idea what a huge impact it would have on our lives, our livelihoods, and our kids. While our normal work at the Cedar River Watershed Education Center (CRWEC) had us leading school field trips so that children could… [ Keep reading ]

Imagine A Day Without Water

Did you know that they average person uses an estimated 80-100 gallons of water per day? That’s about the same as one standard bathtub filled to the top! SPU customers have access to some of the country’s cleanest, best tasting water and it all starts high in the Cascade Mountains…. [ Keep reading ]

Back to School Resources for Digital Learning

While the 2020-2021 school schedule might look a little different from previous years, SPU has a resource that’s available no matter how or where you’re having class. Students are invited to visit our online learning portal to find a wealth of resources suitable for all ages that can be accessed… [ Keep reading ]

New water outage map provides customers with real-time information about water outages

We get it. No one likes to experience a water outage at their home or business. Even a short time, being without water to drink, shower, cook or wash our hands can be a hardship. While Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) works around the clock to maintain one of the most… [ Keep reading ]

Keep Washing and Keep Conserving

As a water utility, public health is our top priority. We encourage our customers to use as much water as they need to stay clean and healthy — including frequently washing your hands. Even if we are all turning the tap on more than usual there are still simple actions… [ Keep reading ]