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Tips for Preventing Local Flooding

With more rain forecast in Seattle for the coming week, here are four tips to help you prevent localized flooding in your neighborhood: Rake a drain. One of the best ways to protect your property is keeping drains clear of leaves and other debris. Completely remove leaves and debris from… [ Keep reading ]

It Pays for Businesses to Recycle

Seattle businesses with a commercial garbage account through one of the city’s solid waste contractors are eligible for the free two-cart recycling service. Also, when you separate materials for recycling, your garbage container will likely be less full. Don’t pay to have empty space hauled away! Instead, ask your garbage… [ Keep reading ]

FREE Pollution Spill Kits for Businesses

Resource Venture, a service of Seattle Public Utilities,  provides FREE pollution spill kits and plans to Seattle businesses to prevent oil, chemicals and other pollutants from spilling into the storm drainage system and going directly into our waterways without any treatment. Cleaning up is not just the right thing to… [ Keep reading ]

Free Toilets for Apartments and Condominiums

Multifamily property owners and managers can significantly reduce apartment building water bills by replacing old toilets (installed before 1994) with newer 1.6 gallon per flush models. Financial Incentives Through March 31, 2010, the Saving Water Partnership, which includes Seattle Public Utilities, is offering multifamily properties of four or more units… [ Keep reading ]

It Pays to Enroll in Multifamily Food Waste Collection

Apartment and condominium property managers can receive a one-time $100 credit on their building’s solid waste bill by signing up for food and yard waste collection and enrolling a volunteer steward as a Friend of Recycling and Composting (FORC). The benefits of food waste collection include: Helping prevent costly drain… [ Keep reading ]

Don’t Let Your Side Sewer Hit Your Pocketbook

Homeowners and building owners are responsible for maintaining and repairing their side sewer, a section of pipe that carries wastewater from your home or building’s plumbing system to the public sewer main (usually located under the street). As the property owner, you are responsible for replacing any sidewalks and roadway… [ Keep reading ]

Normal Solid Waste Collections for MLK Holiday

Seattle garbage, food and yard waste and recycling collections will be on normal schedule for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday, Monday, January 18. Seattle Public Utilities customers should place their containers out for collection by 7 a.m. to ensure collection. The City of Seattle’s North Recycling and Disposal… [ Keep reading ]

Last Day for Free Tree Recycling is Sunday

This Sunday, January 10, will be the last day Seattle residents can drop off their holiday trees and greens for free at Seattle Public Utilities’ North and South Recycling and Disposal Stations. The North Recycling and Disposal Station is located at North 34th Street and Carr Place North. The South… [ Keep reading ]

Resolve to Compost Food Waste, You’ll Save

Disposing of garbage is more expensive than food and yard waste. Because food and yard waste service is required for all single-family households, unless you compost in your backyard, it makes sense to recycle food scraps. The more food waste you put in your food/yard waste cart, the smaller the… [ Keep reading ]

Get Help Paying Your Utility Bill

If your household income is 70 percent or less of the state median, you are eligible to apply for the Utility Discount Program, which offers Seattle residents a 50 percent reduction on their utility bills for up to 18 months. Income requirements are listed below. Customers living in federally subsidized… [ Keep reading ]