Seattle garbage, food and yard waste and recycling collections will be on normal schedule for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday, Monday, January 18. Seattle Public Utilities customers should place their containers out for collection by 7 a.m. to ensure collection.
The City of Seattle’s North Recycling and Disposal Station in the Fremont/Wallingford area and the South Recycling and Disposal Station in the South Park area will be open on Monday, January 18, during their regular business hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Customers can report a missed garbage, yard waste or recycling collection after 6 PM on the day it was missed by calling (206) 684-3000 or by visiting the On-line Missed Collection form available on SPU’s web site.
Holidays left you with old electronics? Seattle Public Utilities will pick up and recycle TVs, computers and other electronic items from your curb for a $20 fee. Call (206) 684-3000 to request an electronics collection. Apartment residents should contact their building manager to arrange for electronics collection.
Looking for a free option? Contact www.ecyclewashington or 1-800-RECYCLE for computer and TV drop-off locations.
Also visit for cell phone and fluorescent bulb drop-off locations. Some locations charge a fee.