Apartment and condominium property managers can receive a one-time $100 credit on their building’s solid waste bill by signing up for food and yard waste collection and enrolling a volunteer steward as a Friend of Recycling and Composting (FORC).
The benefits of food waste collection include:
Helping prevent costly drain repairs by diverting food to the cart instead of the garbage disposal.
Helping the environment. Composting organics instead of throwing them away conserves a valuable resource, saves space in the landfill, and even helps with climate change.
Free technical assistance, training and educational materials available from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU).
Service Options
SPU has two weekly food and yard waste collection services for apartments and condos:
- Curbside collection – just wheel the cart to the curb.
- Onsite collection – convenient pickup on location.
Both services include a free compostable bag liner inserted in the cart every week.
Call (206) 684-7665 to get started or for more information. For residents: If your building doesn’t currently have food & yard waste service, ask your building owner or manager to sign up.