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Play the “Where Does it Go?” Recycling Game!

Test your recycling skills with our fun, new online “Where Does It Go?” Recycling Game and find out if you know what can be recycled in Seattle!

Free Savvy Gardener Classes in September and October

Get free hands-on advice on making your garden more wildlife-friendly, creating a beautiful hassle-free garden, or replacing some or all of your lawn with colorful low-maintenance plants. Find full class schedules, sign-up information and more at:

Madison Valley Stormwater Project Update Meeting

What: Community Meeting on Phase 2 60% Design Where: The Bush School (Community Room) 3400 E Harrison St., Seattle, WA 98112 When: September 15, 2009 6:00pm – 8:00pm At the meeting you can hear about: • The new 6-block-long stormwater pipeline • The new stormwater storage tank and landscape elements… [ Keep reading ]

Citizen Advisory Committee Members Sought

Seattle Public Utilities is seeking applicants for its Garbage, Recycling, Yard and Food Waste Citizen Advisory Committee. The committee ensures that SPU’s programs, policies and services are responsive to community needs, and are supported by the community. Learn more at:

Normal Garbage, Yard Waste, Recycling Collection for Labor Day Holiday

August 28, 2009 Regular Pickup Schedule in Effect for Monday, Sept. 7 Contact: SPU Customer Service, (206) 684-3000 SEATTLE garbage, yard waste and recycling collections will be on normal schedule for Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. Seattle Public Utilities customers should place their containers out for collection by 7 a.m…. [ Keep reading ]

Maple Leaf Reservoir Covering Project Open House

Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: St. Catherine’s Church, Victoria Hall, 814 NE 85th St., Seattle, WA 98115 Come meet the project team and ask questions about the upcoming construction activities. Learn more about SPU’s Reservoir Covering Program.

Cedar Falls Historic Townsite Walking Tours Offered Two Days Next Month

August 24, 2009 HISTORIC CEDAR FALLS, Wash. – Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to take a stroll under the evening lights of the historic town site of Cedar Falls! For more than 50 years Cedar Falls was a thriving community along the Cedar River and the birthplace of Seattle… [ Keep reading ]