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Search Results for pet

Clean Up After Your Pet

What’s the problem with pet waste? It’s a health risk to pets and people, especially children. It’s a nuisance in our neighborhoods. Pet waste is full of bacteria that can…

Scoop It, Bag It and Trash It

…of pet waste at home. A single gram of pet waste, the size of a pea, contains 23 million fecal coliform bacteria. What should I do? Scoop up pet waste…

Discount on Doggy Bags

Pet waste pollutes. There are nearly 125,000 dogs in Seattle — they produce more than 42,000 lbs. of pet waste each day! Pet waste is full of bacteria and other…

Celebrate Earth Week 2018

…can wash off into streams, harming aquatic life, fish, and birds. Choose natural lawn and garden care methods instead. Pick up pet poop. Left on streets, curb strips and in…

FAQ: Can I compost my dog’s waste?

Answer: Nope! Due to public health concerns pet waste is not allowed in curbside food and yard waste carts. All pet waste should be tossed in the garbage. Tip: Double…

Food Waste Prevention: Composting

…Compost: Meat, fish, and dairy because these items can attract rats. Put meat, fish, and dairy in your food & yard waste cart. Due to sanitation concerns, pet waste goes…

Clean Water Coaster Campaign

…glass. 30,000 coasters will be distributed; they describe four actions that will help reduce pollution: picking up after your pet, preventing automotive leaks, not using pesticides and fertilizers in your…

Dog Rescued from Drainage Pipe by Firefighters and Utility Workers

…February 7, the Fire Alarm Center received a 911 call from a concerned dog owner after his pet crawled 30 feet inside a drainage pipe located in the 12800 block…

Composting 101: What can’t I put in my cart?

pet waste (double bag in plastic and put in garbage), coffee cups and milk or ice cream cartons (put in recycling). Learn more about what’s accepted in your food and…

Pledge to Protect Seattle’s Waterways (and get free Chinook Book coupons!)

…from auto leaks, yard chemicals, pet poop—makes its way to local waters like Lake Washington and Lake Union, and eventually into Puget Sound. The bad news: Toxic materials that drain…