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Working on Thanksgiving: How SPU Shows Up for Seattle

…to the ceiling, as well as desks and computer terminals. The work area is larger. If employees at the ORC answer phone calls for help from the public, then crews…

Important Service Updates Due to Forecasted Extreme Heat

…illnesses while continuing to wear masks per CDC guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reduce fire-related risks at the stations, we are asking customers to not bring any…

Restoring the Cedar River for People and Fish  

…flood risks for people, homes, and infrastructure. “ At an Earth Week event to celebrate the completion of the project, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell shared these remarks: “Ensuring a healthy…

Ship Canal Water Quality Project: Year-End Update  

…project, escalation, uncertainties, and potential risks are carefully considered and incorporated into cost estimates and related risk evaluations. This provides funding for anticipated escalation and reserves or contingencies that can…

Earth Month In Action: Creating Communities of Young People Empowered to Save Water

…water travels through different types of soil— hypothesis are made, trials are conducted, data is recorded, desks get a little muddy. By the end of the program all the desks

Meet SPU’s Summer and Year-Long Interns for 2023

…help with organizing interviews, filter applications, occasionally draft job postings, attend biweekly meetings for future projects, and help with onboarding tasks. I honestly feel so lucky to be part of…

Seattle’s Water Supply: Good

…during the same period last year, and less than the average of 129 mgd used during the same period over the years 1999-2008. Seattle Public Utilities asks its customers to…

Seattle’s Water Supply: Good

…during the same period last year, and less than the average of 133 mgd used during the same period over the years 1999-2008. Seattle Public Utilities asks its customers to…

Seattle’s Water Supply: Good

…less than the average of 137 mgd used during the same period over the years 1999-2008. Seattle Public Utilities asks its customers to continue to use water wisely. Weekly Conservation…

Utilities’ Scientists Re-map Seattle’s Flood-prone Areas

…and staff with the most up to date understanding of potential flood risks during extreme rain events based on the best available science,” said Trish Rhay, Seattle’s director of drainage…