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This Year’s Legislative Session Had Wins for SPU

SPU is celebrating accomplishments in affordability, environmental justice, and waste reduction after the state legislative session concluded on March 7. Our Government Relations staff worked with lawmakers to advance legislative and budget requests in the state’s operating and capital budgets, as well as support specific bills. Read about SPU’s legislative… [ Keep reading ]

SPU Apprentices Celebrate Graduation With Hugs and Smiles

By 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Todd Snider stood behind a podium at the Museum of Flight. Before him were about 100 SPU colleagues and guests seated at tables. Slowly and carefully, Snider, who is SPU’s Apprenticeship Program Manager, read aloud seven first names of special people in the audience: “Darrick…Thomas…Matthew…Juan…Ismael…Jamaal…and… [ Keep reading ]

Better Together: Partnering With Customers and Community

Delivering on SPU’s commitment to provide clean, safe, and reliable drinking water to 1.6 million people every day could not happen without the dedication and expertise of our staff. We’re fortunate and proud to have some of the best and brightest subject-matter experts in the utility industry, and it shows… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Says Goodbye to Batteries and Electronics in the Garbage

The start of the new year can inspire a fresh start to declutter and organize our living spaces. You might stumble upon a collection of old batteries or outdated electronics. How you handle these has changed as of January 1, 2024, and a new rule is in place – batteries… [ Keep reading ]

South Park – Low pressure during high tide period 

We regularly monitor forecasts so we can respond to potential flooding in South Park during high tide and wet weather season. January 11-18 is a high tide period and weather forecasts now indicate that a low-pressure system will arrive Wednesday, January 17, about 9:00 a.m. Because low pressure increases the… [ Keep reading ]

A look back at 2023 

As we exit 2023, we are proud to highlight key SPU achievements in SPU’s 2023 Recap, which shows how our talented and dedicated staff have been working in partnership with our customers communities to make an impact in Seattle and the region. In 2023, we: Our SPU 2023 Recap talks… [ Keep reading ]

Winter Holiday Waste Collection Schedule for 2023

With the holiday season upon us, we wanted to share an important reminder to customers about our services. Garbage, recycling, and food/yard waste will not be collected on the following upcoming holidays: On those days, and for the remainder of the week, service will be delayed one day. For example,… [ Keep reading ]

SPU’s Toy Drive Brings Holiday Joy to Filipino Community of Seattle

Seattle Public Utilities’ (SPU) Drainage and Wastewater (DWW) and Logistics Branch recently brought the joy of the season to the Filipino Community of Seattle (FCS). Tara Wong-Esteban, DWW’s System Management Division Director, along with colleagues Jonathan Batara and Adam Bernstein, delivered toys donated by employees to FCS on December 7…. [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s water supply bounces back to normal 

1.5 Million Customers No Longer Asked to Use Less Water In 48 hours, at the height of last week’s atmospheric river, a whopping 4.4 billion gallons of water dumped over Seattle’s regional drinking water reservoirs in the Cascade Mountains. “That’s a lot of water,” said Julie Crittenden, Water Planning and… [ Keep reading ]

Latest storms help reservoir levels get closer to normal while water use hovers above 100 mgd

The mountain watersheds feeding Seattle’s regional water supply reservoirs received rain over the weekend, which is good news. The recent rainfall continues to help Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) replenish the drinking water supply for its 1.5 million customers. The combined total storage in our reservoirs is at 78 percent of… [ Keep reading ]