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Seattle Race to Zero Waste Contest

The Seattle Race to ‘Zero Waste’ Contest is an invitation for all Seattleites to become a part of the waste solution! No one likes waste! Together we can find new ways to reduce what we buy and consume, reuse what we can, and share and repair in easy ways. Let’s… [ Keep reading ]

Earth Day is every day for the Natural Resources Team 

Every day is “Earth Day” for the scientists and environmental professionals who spend their days working on a variety of projects throughout the Cedar River and South Fork Tolt River Municipal Watersheds. Their goal is to protect water quality and enhance forested and aquatic habitats – one of many investments… Filed Under: Protecting Our Environment

Restoring the Cedar River for People and Fish  

Thirty-five miles east of Seattle, deep in the Cascade Mountains, the Cedar River flows through the region’s protected watershed—the primary source of drinking water for 1.5 million people in the greater Seattle area. Downstream of the Cedar River Watershed, the Cedar River continues flowing and serving another critical purpose; the… Filed Under: News, Protecting Our Environment