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Posts categorized under Garbage, Recycling, & Compost Archives - Page 7 of 7 - At Your Service

Rake Leaves to Help Prevent Flooding!

Free Extra Yard Waste Pickup in November Fallen leaves can be fun—who can resist jumping into a giant pile of crisp, colorful leaves?—but they can also contribute to unwelcome flooding in our neighborhoods. During the stormy fall season, leaves can clog street drains, causing water to back up and flood… [ Keep reading ]

Winter Holiday Waste Collection Schedule for 2020

With the holiday season just around the corner, we wanted to share an important reminder to customers about our services. Garbage, recycling, and food/yard waste will not be collected on the following upcoming holidays : Thanksgiving (11/26/2020) Christmas (12/25/2020) New Year’s Day (1/1/2020) On those days, and for the remainder… [ Keep reading ]

America Recycles Day, 2020

Alright Seattle, it’s time to take your love of recycling to the next level. Starting on Sunday, November 15th, join us to celebrate America Recycles Day, which we’re extending to a whole week of fun! We’ll be bringing you daily insights on all things recycling, including tips and tricks to… [ Keep reading ]

Waste-Free Community Grant Recipients 2020-21

As a national leader in waste prevention, Seattle Public Utilities is committed to supporting community-led efforts to create less waste and bring us all closer to a Zero Waste future. We developed the Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant to support community and business leadership and innovation around preventing waste, increasing community… [ Keep reading ]

Beyond the Cart 2020

Mark your calendar for these upcoming Community Reuse & Recycling Events happening this fall. Do you have appliances, household goods, clothes, or electronics taking up space in your home? Drop them off for free at the next Community Recycling & Reuse event! Items in good condition will be donated for… [ Keep reading ]

Recycle Your Holidays

Between Thanksgiving  and New Year’s Day, U.S. household waste increases by 25 percent—that’s about 1 million tons per week! Want to do your part to cut down on that extra waste? Check out this list of how-to’s for holiday recycling: Batteries: Household Hazardous Waste facilities accept alkaline batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, 9v)… [ Keep reading ]

Why isn’t food waste allowed in the garbage?

If you live in Seattle, you’ve probably heard this: food waste is no longer allowed in the garbage. What’s the reasoning behind this rule? For one, about a third of food in America is thrown away each year. That’s 133 billion pounds of food that ends up in landfills, where… [ Keep reading ]