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Posts categorized under Drainage & Wastewater Archives - Page 3 of 3 - At Your Service

Help Shape the Future of Seattle’s Drainage and Wastewater System

Everyone in Seattle relies on a vast and mainly invisible stormwater and wastewater system that helps keep our waterways clean and prevents flooding. But the benefits of this infrastructure can go far beyond healthy waters and stormwater management. With your input, Seattle’s drainage and wastewater priorities can help shape how… [ Keep reading ]

Have Fun & Raise Awareness with Storm Drain Stenciling

With many volunteer roles being put on hold due to the health crisis, it can be a struggle to find safe ways to to give back and help our communities. One way we can help is through storm drain stenciling. How does a stencil help? Stenciling storm drains helps to… [ Keep reading ]

Project Spotlight: South Park Pump Station

Seattle Public Utilities began construction in late August on the new South Park Pump Station, to improve chronic flooding and drainage issues in the northern industrial area of Seattle’s South Park neighborhood. This area experiences chronic flooding for a few main reasons: Stormwater can’t drain during high tideSouth Park is… [ Keep reading ]

Why Do We Say Puget Sound Starts Here?

Celebrate Puget Sound Starts Here Month this September by learning more about this unique natural resource & while you’re at it, take our quiz to test your knowledge & receive a free 12-month subscription to Chinook Book! Puget Sound is an area we all call home. Did you know that it’s both… [ Keep reading ]