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Free and Discounted Toilets

Save with Every FlushToilets are a household’s biggest water user — old, leaky models can impact your utility bill. Consider replacing it with our help!

Free Toilets

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) provides free toilets for income-qualified homeowners. For example, a family of four making less than $4,819 a month may qualify. Properties must also be located within SPU’s service area and must have existing toilets installed before 2001. Installation and recycling of your old toilet are also provided free of charge. For more information, call 206-448-5751 or go to

$30–$75 Rebates

For a limited time, customers who replace their old, water-guzzling toilets (made before 2001) with new WaterSense-labeled models are eligible for a $30 rebate. Or, choose one of the newer WaterSense Premium models and get a $75 rebate! Learn more at or by calling 206-684-SAVE (7283).