Did you know that winter is the perfect time to start planning and preparing your garden for spring? It’s true! Aside from pruning woody trees and shrubs, winter is a great time to take care of some much needed garden maintenance including:
- Making planting plans
- Covering bare soil with woody mulch
- Weeding garden beds
- Tuning up garden equipment and sharpen mower blades
- Repairing raised garden beds and watering equipment if needed
Colder weather is also a great time of year to check storage areas for unwanted garden chemicals, and dispose of them safely. For safe, free disposal, bring these materials to a Hazardous Waste collection site. Visit kingcountyhazwasteWA.gov or call the Haz Waste Help Line 206-296-4692 for locations and information.
Still have gardening questions? Contact the Garden Hotline! It’s a free service from Seattle Public Utilities, The Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, and Cascade Water Alliance. Find them online at Gardenhotline.org or call them at 206-633-0224.