Residential garbage, recycling, and food/yard waste pickups are continuing as normal today, January 13, 2020. Snow and ice on the road may have some impact in specific areas. SPU’s North and South transfer stations are operating as normal. Check back here for more updates and follow us on Twitter @SeattleSPU.
If your materials are not picked today, please leave them out the following day. If they are not picked up by the end of the following day, please put them out on your next regularly scheduled pickup day. Customers who may be missed this week will be allowed to set out double their normal amount of garbage, recycling and yard waste at no additional charge, on their next scheduled collection day.
In the event of snow and/or ice, City emergency planners urge residents to prepare their homes for cold weather, build emergency supply kits for homes and vehicles, and not to drive unnecessarily. For more information on how to prepare for winter weather, please visit the Seattle Department of Transportation’s winter weather website and Additionally, for up-to-date information pertaining to impacts in the City of Seattle, please sign up for alerts at