We hear you: utility bills can be confusing! That’s why, beginning in April 2019, you will no longer be billed in advance for garbage and food/yard waste collection. Instead, you’ll be only charged for service that has already occurred. Check out the Q&A below for more information:
Q: What’s happening?
A: Until now, SPU has billed customers in advance for some of their solid waste services. This means that when customers paid their bill, they were paying for some garbage and food/yard waste services that they have already received, and some that they are going to receive in the future. For example, a portion of a customer’s January/February bill would cover March-related services.
We’re making the solid waste billing process less confusing. Beginning in April, customers will only be charged for garbage and food/yard waste collection that has already happened.
Q: What does this mean for customers?
A: As part of the transition away from billing in advance, the garbage and food/yard waste charges on your April, May, or June bill may be lower than usual. How much lower depends on when you receive your SPU bill.
Q: Do customers need to do anything?
A: Nope! Customers do not need to take any action. The transition away from billing in advance will happen automatically.
Q: Why is SPU no longer billing in advance?
A: Billing in advance (i.e. billing for solid waste collection services before they occur) can be confusing. We’re doing away with the practice in order to make our utility bills easier to understand. Plus, by ending bill in advance practices, the way we bill for garbage and food/yard collection will be better aligned with how we bill for water and sewer.
Q: Where else has SPU posted information about this?
A: You’ll find a message about the change on your April, May, or June bill or your e-bill notification email, as well as in SPU’s May/June At Your Service newsletter.