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Emergency Sewer Repair Scheduled for Fairview Ave. N.

Work rescheduled for evening hours to reduce traffic impacts

Emergency sewer repair on Fairview Ave. N. in South Lake Union has been rescheduled for the evening, between the hours of 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. The work will include street excavation, replacement of approximately eighty (80) feet of pipe and street restoration. SPU originally scheduled the repair during daytime hours, but rescheduled it to reduce traffic congestion.


Work is scheduled to begin Monday, November 17 and is expected to last four to five weeks, though rain could extend the street restoration schedule. Normal work hours will be 7 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday work may become necessary.


Work will occur in the center lanes of Fairview Ave. N. directly south of Harrison St.


Between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m., the center turn lane and inside travel lanes of Fairview Ave. N. will be closed. Outer lanes will remain open.

During daytime hours, the center turn lane will remain closed. Travel lanes will be open. Lane closure information may change based on project needs.

Residents, businesses and commuters can expect:

  • Traffic and bus delays.
  • No change in bus stop locations.
  • Normal sewer service.
  • Noise, dirt and vibration.