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No Solid Waste Collections for Thanksgiving Day

Recycling and Disposal stations closed Thursday, November 28

Garbage-Can2No garbage, food and yard waste or recycling collections are scheduled in Seattle on Thursday, November 28. Collections scheduled for Thursday will occur on Friday, and Friday collections will occur on Saturday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Please be sure to have your containers out by 7 am to ensure collection.

Customers can report a missed garbage, yard waste or recycling collection by calling 206-684-3000 or by clicking on “Report Missed Collection” at SPU’s web site,

Closures: The City of Seattle’s North Recycling and Disposal Station in the Fremont/Wallingford area and the South Recycling and Disposal Station in the South Park area will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.  Both stations will reopen at 8 am on Friday, November 29. 

Compost Your Giblets: Seattle residents can place all of their unwanted Thanksgiving leftovers, including green bean casserole, aspic, mincemeat pie, turkey bones, celery, yams, potatoes, fruitcake and paper napkins in their food and yard waste carts. The food scraps will be made into compost for local gardens and parks.

Don’t be a Turkey: Property owners are responsible for their side sewer connections to the city’s sewer system. Sewer clogs often happen during the holiday season when disposing of leftovers.  You can prevent this by pouring used dairy products, fats, oil, grease or greasy foods into a lidded container and placing it in the trash – NOT down the sink drain.

Keep Storm Drains Clear: To help prevent street flooding, the city is asking Seattle residents to remove leaves from storm drains in their neighborhoods with a rake or broom (if it can be done safely), collect fallen leaves in their yards, and compost or properly dispose of them in yard waste containers.