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FREE Auto Leaks Class

Help keep oil and other fluid leaks from your car from harming our local waterways and wildlife.

Join the experts at South Seattle Community College’s Automotive Technology Program for a FREE auto leaks class.

Learn where most leaks occur and proper auto maintenance technique – great for new drivers, do-it-yourselfers, or those just wanting to become more familiar with their car. Participants will leave with a leak prevention and cleanup kit, and be entered for a chance to have their oil and coolant changed for free that day.

Classes will be offered on the following dates at the college’s Automotive Technology Building

Saturday, October 23, 9 am – 1 pm

Saturday, November 20, 9 am. – 1 pm

Space is limited. Call 206-386-9746 or email to register.

Forty slots are available with future classes to be offered.