City Files Revised Study Plan with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
On January 17, 2025, the City of Seattle submitted its Revised Study Plan (RSP) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This is a key part of the process to renew the license for the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project.
The current hydropower license continues through mid-2029. But relicensing any hydropower project, even a small one, is a big job that takes several years. To do this, the City is working closely with Tribes, federal and state agencies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, and other interested parties. These groups are collectively called Licensing Participants, or LPs.
What is the RSP?
The RSP is an updated version of the Proposed Study Plan (PSP) that was filed with FERC last September. Since then, the City has continued to engage Tribes and other Licensing Participants. Besides hosting three formal PSP meetings, the City has continued to gather input from Tribes and other Licensing Participants through four Resource Working Groups (RWGs) and other communications. This engagement has gone beyond what is required by the FERC relicensing process and is a testament to the City, Tribes and other Licensing Participants’ dedication to this endeavor.
Tribes and other Licensing Participants also had the opportunity to file formal comments directly with FERC. The City reviewed and considered all comments when developing the RSP and appreciates all the Tribes and other Licensing Participants for their input.
Based on the input and comments received, the City made many modifications to the study plan. Depending on the specific study, those modifications included refinement or clarification of methods, and / or changes to study areas. Some examples include: the study areas for some of the aquatic resource studies has expanded beyond the South Fork Tolt River and now includes the Mainstem Tolt; the proposed botanical studies methodologies have been refined; and the City added a new study to the Revised Study Plan that focuses on juvenile salmon in the South Fork Tolt River.
Liz Ablow, Relicensing Project Manager for City Light, spoke with optimism about the work ahead: “It is an exciting time. Once the study plan is finalized, we have two years to complete the studies. This plan will be the result of substantive effort and collaboration among the Tribes, other LPs, and the City, which has made it that much better. This is a time of great learning for all of us, which is especially important to inform future decisions.”
Ingrid Wertz, Relicensing Project Manager for Seattle Public Utilities, added: “I continue to be impressed by the knowledge, experience and commitment of the Tribes, agencies, other LPs, City staff, and consultants that are involved in the SFT relicensing process. I look forward to our ongoing work toward our project goal of obtaining a new FERC license that enables City Light to continue to deliver affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible energy services to our customers in a manner that maintains the City’s long-term water supply.”
What happens next?
The City will continue to work with Tribes, federal and state agencies, local governments, NGOs and other interested parties through the Resource Working Groups and other formal and informal communications.
Here are the next steps in the relicensing process:
- Review Period: Licensing Participants have until February 2 to review and comment on the Revised Study Plan.
- FERC Decision: FERC will issue its final determination on the study plan by February 17.
The City will continue collaborating with Tribes, agencies, other Licensing Participants and community groups to move the process forward.
Stay updated
Go to Seattle City Light’s Tolt Relicensing web page to learn more about the relicensing process. You’ll find the Revised Study Plan and other documents in the “Project Documents and Resources” section.
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Thank you for your interest in the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project. Together, we’re planning for a reliable and sustainable future.