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News Release: City of Seattle Utilities Expand Assistance and Payment Plans for Customers Struggling to Pay Their Bills

SEATTLE (April 28, 2022) – Seattle City Light (SCL) and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) today announced new flexible payment plans and expanded assistance for customers who are struggling to pay their bills. Customers are urged to visit or contact the utilities immediately to learn more about their options. Both… [ Keep reading ]

How to Choose a New Water-Efficient Toilet

When it comes to your home’s toilet, you likely don’t think about it too often as long as it’s working the way it should. For many of us, that’s the case. But toilets age and over time, they do need to be replaced. How can you tell if your toilet… [ Keep reading ]

Earth Month In Action: Expressing Malama ‘aina through Seattle’s Adopt A Street Program

Malama ‘aina, in Hawaiian, means to care, to protect, to nurture the land. It’s a core value the canoe club Hui Wa’a O Wakinikona (HWOW), or Washington in Hawaiian, has embraced since 1998, when the club first formed. About 70 adults and 15 keiki (children) of Polynesian and Non-Polynesian descent… [ Keep reading ]

Earth Month In Action: Clear Alley Program Impacts Seattle’s Chinatown International District

The Chinatown International District (CID) is a neighborhood of beautiful restaurants, parks, streets, stores and alleys. The community lives and works here bring vibrant culture and traditions to daily life. The historic buildings are celebrated and tell amazing stories of how Seattle grew up. One of the unusual aspects of… [ Keep reading ]

Help Your Utility Move Toward a Progressive Future

SPU’s Customer Review Panel (CRP) is seeking new members for July 2022 appointment. Applications are due May 9, 2022. CRP members participate with SPU leadership provide advice and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on the Utility’s strategic plan and rates. CRP members bring expertise in community, with different professional… [ Keep reading ]

SPU Celebrates Earth Month

There are many reasons to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day this year, 2022. For Seattle Public Utilities, we see this as a chance to honor the work we do every day to protect, promote, and preserve our natural resources as leaders in our field and innovators in green methods surrounding solid waste, drinking… [ Keep reading ]

Spring Into Clean with SPU’s Adopt-A-Street

Spring Clean is Seattle Adopt a Street’s annual push to organize with community groups for one-time cleanup events. This citywide event is made up of neighborhood level groups who clean up their areas, streets, parks or local landmarks. In celebration of earth month, and the time of year when Seattleites… [ Keep reading ]

Hygiene (Shower) Trailer Locations

Updated April 10, 2024 Seattle Public Utilities, along with nonprofit partner Uplift Northwest, is providing hygiene resources to unsheltered individuals throughout the community. These resources include our hygiene (shower) trailer program. Each shower trailer contains three standard shower stalls (each with a toilet and sink) and one ADA shower (with… [ Keep reading ]

Planning for Spring Gardening

Did you know that winter is the perfect time to start planning and preparing your garden for spring? It’s true! Aside from pruning woody trees and shrubs, winter is a great time to take care of some much needed garden maintenance including: Making planting plans Covering bare soil with woody… [ Keep reading ]

New Infrastructure Bill Investing in the Future of Water

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) applauds the recent passing of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The US House of Representatives’ vote in favor of the bill follows Senate approval in August. President Biden signed the bill on Monday, November 15.  The legislation will bring meaningful investment to our nation’s transportation, energy and water systems, including more than $55… [ Keep reading ]