Are you planning a home repair? You may qualify for resources
Let’s face it, home repairs can be costly. You may be eligible for programs to help you with your home repairs.
Affordable Home Repair Loans
The City’s Office of Housing provides affordable loans to income-eligible Seattle homeowners to address critical health, safety, and structural issues through the Home Repair Loan Program.
In addition, qualified homeowners can receive a 0% interest loan through the Side Sewer Assistance Program for emergency repairs to their broken or collapsed side sewers.
Save Water by Upgrading Your Fixtures
You can save water and help lower your utility bills by upgrading or fixing older inefficient fixtures.
Toilets are a household’s biggest water user — making up almost a quarter of your indoor water use. If you have an old, leaky model, it can impact your bill. SPU offers:
- Free Toilet Program: Income-eligible homeowners may qualify to receive a free water-saving toilet.
- Toilet Rebate Program: Customers replacing pre-2004 water-guzzling toilets with rebate-eligible models can receive a rebate up to a $100 per toilet replaced (limit 2 per household).
- How to fix common leaks: Running toilets are common and can waste 200 gallons a day or more. For many, fixing a leaking toilet is a do-it-yourself project that requires no special tools and usually costs less than $20.
Watering lawns and landscapes can also make up a significant portion of water bills in the summer months. You can reduce your outdoor water use by up to 25% by upgrading your sprinkler timer. SPU offers:
- Sprinkler Timer Rebate Program: Get up to $100 ($10 for each functioning zone on your timer) when you replace an old sprinkler timer with a new WaterSense labeled timer that will automatically adjust your watering schedule according to the weather.
You can learn more about saving water and resources for upgrading or fixing your fixtures at