Everyone in Seattle relies on a vast and mainly invisible stormwater and wastewater system that helps keep our waterways clean and prevents flooding. But the benefits of this infrastructure can go far beyond healthy waters and stormwater management. With your input, Seattle’s drainage and wastewater priorities can help shape how Seattle looks, feels, and functions for the next 50 years.
Over the next two years, Seattle Public Utilities invites you to help us imagine the future of Seattle’s drainage and wastewater system as part of a project called “Shape Our Water,” a community-centered planning project that looks beyond pumps and pipes to guide Seattle towards becoming a more resilient, innovative, and equitable city.
We face major challenges in decades ahead, from population growth and climate change to affordability and displacement, to natural disasters like flooding and earthquakes. Together, we can shape a water future for Seattle’s waters that responds to these challenges and provides meaningful drainage and wastewater system investments for all residents.
Interested? Visit ShapeOurWater.org website to learn more about the project. The site will be regularly updated with community stories about our city and water, and information about the drainage and wastewater system. In 2021, we’ll have events with local and national leaders about how infrastructure can benefit cities.
Please join us to help Shape Our Water!