Seattle Public Utilities’ North and South Transfer Stations are open (as of June 15, 2020) normal operating hours, seven days a week from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. We want to thank our customers for understanding that while the stations are operating at their normal schedule, that visits to the stations should be for essential trips only (urgent and perishable waste) in an effort to reduce potential spread of COVID-19.
Before visiting one of the SPU transfer stations, please consider the following guidelines:
- DO NOT visit if you have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat or sore muscles
- Bringing only urgent and perishable waste that will rot, cause odor, attract pests (food, diapers, other similar materials) or pose other public health risks
If visiting for an essential trip:
- In line with the City and Governors orders, please wear a mask
- Be sure to have waste securely bagged
- Practice social/physical distancing by keeping at least 6 feet of space between yourself, our staff, and other customers
- Stay in your vehicle while waiting at our scales & pay with credit card to minimize contact

If you wish to visit the transfer station but do not have essential business or urgent waste, please consider postponing your trip and instead, use the following resources available on this blog post to learn how to:
- Set out extra garbage, recycling, and yard waste at your residence
- Change your cart size or level of service
- Request special item pickup
Seattle Public Utilities is monitoring the situation and will notify the public of changes to our services as they occur. Stay up to date by visiting our website and following us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Stay safe!