The new composting requirement is here and many of us are still feeling nervous. Throw this away, but recycle that and this may only be composted in this case. There are many questions.
Will the storage of food scraps cause an odor? What is not compostable? What can I do to make this easier?
There are many things that can help this transition. Using a paper bag or a compostable bag to store the food scraps will aid in keeping the compost container clean, and the bags will too break down in the compost. Likewise empty greasy pizza boxes and cereal boxes make great containers to store food scraps.
Choosing a container with a lid helps to keep the odor down, or for food that’s really smelly, storing them in the refrigerator or freezer until collection day will help. Although frequently taking the food scraps out to the curbside cart will remove the odor within your home.
If the odor is instead coming from the curbside cart there are many methods of reducing it. Some methods are sprinkling baking soda, or even covering the scraps in yard waste or wet newspaper.
Efficiently storing food scraps will make composting easier, it will make good compost, as well as preventing little to no odor in your home.