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Archives for November 2014

Reducing the Stress: Tips on Recycling Correctly

As we all may know recycling can be a pain. But don’t get stressed. Here are some tips to help ease the pain accompanied with recycling.  Tip 1:  All food pans and aluminum foil can be recycled, but they must be rinsed out beforehand. Compostable food ware cannot be recycled,… [ Keep reading ]

Keep the Chill Out! Prepare Your Pipes for Winter

Each winter, homes are damaged due to water pipes that freeze and burst. By taking a few simple precautions, you can help save yourself from the mess, money and headaches of burst frozen pipes Before the Cold Hits Insulate pipes in your home’s crawl spaces, basement and attic. Exposed pipes are more… [ Keep reading ]

Holiday Cooking Horror: Avoid Sewer Backups

Don’t ruin your holidays with a sewer backup into your home. Remember that Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) from food preparation can wreck the holiday spirit by clogging up your home’s side sewer. Always dispose of them in the trash rather than down the drain. See how you can practice good pipe… [ Keep reading ]

Most “flushable” products are no such thing

Flushing anything but toilet paper can cause massive sewage clogs—at your expense Don’t believe those ads promoting so-called “flushable” products that can supposedly be safely disposed of in your toilet. For the most part, the claims are a bunch of malarkey. Just ask Seattle Public Utilities’ (SPU) Pump Station No…. [ Keep reading ]