Do you know that you can get 50 percent off your Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) bill through the Utility Discount Program? Income-qualified homeowners and renters are eligible. For example, if you’re a family of four making less than $4,941 per month you may qualify. Program participants also get a 60 percent discount on their Seattle City Light bills, and may qualify for a further credit if they don’t pay an SPU bill. Go to to get started, or call 206-684-0268.
Some residents of federally subsidized housing, including Section 8 are not eligible.
Get a Free Water-Saving Toilet
Save even more on your utility bill. The same guidelines for our utility assistance program apply. To qualify for free toilets, homeowners must have properties located in Seattle and have existing toilets installed before 2004. Installation and recycling of your old toilets are also provided free of charge. For more information call 206-448-5751, or go to