Seattle Public Utilities has finalized a proposed Strategic Business Plan. The proposed plan will determine Seattle Public Utilities’ future business direction and how we serve our customers through 2020.
Come learn more about the proposed plan at four public meetings this July. We also want to hear how we can partner with our customers – Seattle’s residents and their neighborhoods – to keep our city one of the best places to live. Can’t make it to a meeting? Learn more about our proposed plan and take our online survey.
Thursday, July 17, 6-8 pm
College Center building, Room 1161
9600 College Way N, Seattle, 98103
Saturday, July 19, 12-2 pm
2524 16th Avenue S, Seattle, 98144
(Interpretation in Spanish, Cantonese)
Tuesday, July 22, 6-8 pm
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, 98106
(Interpretation in Cambodian, Somali)
Saturday, July 26, 1-3 pm
2100 24th Avenue S, Seattle, 98144
(Interpretation in Vietnamese)