Seattle smartphone users can now report illegal dumping and streetlight outages with the city’s Find It, Fix It app.
The app – launched last summer – allows city residents to report problems and make their neighborhoods more livable. It takes advantage of technology available on mobile devices, including geographic awareness, to give mobile users a convenient way to alert the city to issues, while providing location information that helps city staff respond.
To report an issue, users simply use their smartphone to snap a photo, add detailed information, and hit submit. The map’s “drag and drop” feature or the phone’s own technology can be used to pinpoint the location. Residents can report many types of issues, including:
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Graffiti
- Potholes
- Parking Enforcement/Concerns
- Other (for miscellaneous concerns)
Since its launch Find It, Fix It has been downloaded to 6,350 mobile devices and users have submitted 6,393 requests through this new channel (graffiti, 2,551; other, 1,744; pothole, 1,012; abandoned vehicles, 558; and parking enforcement, 528).
Android users can download the app from the Google Play Store and iPhone users can download it from the App Store.