“Like” Seattle Public Utilities new Facebook page. Our page will be a source for learning more about and getting the most from your services, including: drinking water; recycling, food and yard waste, and garbage; and sewer and stormwater drainage.
If you haven’t already, consider liking our other pages:
Bert the Salmon: If you are concerned about water quality, this site will give you tips on how to live a Puget Sound-friendly lifestyle, including coupons that will help you make choices that are right for our local environment. Find Bert at www.facebook.com/BertTheSalmon.
Cedar River Watershed Education Center: Discover fun activities for all ages and volunteer opportunities that ensure the health of our watershed, the source of much of Seattle’s water. You can find us at www.facebook.com/crwprograms.
Evelyn the Envelope: Find great tips on how to reduce waste and divert more to your recycling and food and yard waste carts. You could start saving by reducing your garbage can size, and you’ll help reduce the waste going to the landfill. Find Evelyn at www.facebook.com/EvelynTheEnvelope.
Savvy Gardener: Learn how to garden the pesticide-free, and water-saving way. You can also learn about upcoming classes around the Sound. Find us at www.facebook.com/savvygardenernews.