The Duwamish—Seattle’s only river— supports shipping and industry while providing a resource for fishing and recreation. However, 20th century industrial activity has hurt this asset in our backyard. This January, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will release a plan for the river’s long-term cleanup. Seattle Public Utilities and others will play a part in this and we’ll want your opinion on the plan.
What can I do to protect the Duwamish River and all our waterways?
After the cleanup, keeping the Duwamish River clean will be a shared challenge. One of the biggest threats is stormwater—rain water that carries pollutants from our roads, roofs, and yards via storm drains to our waterways. About 8,900 acres of Seattle drain to the Duwamish. Seattle Public Utilities has a number of free opportunities where you can take action.
Stencil a Storm Drain
Only rain should be going down our storm drains. Get a free stencil kit from us and paint the important message: Dump No Waste Drains to Stream, Lake or Bay. Call 206-684-7624 to get started.
Auto Leaks Classes: Fix that leak! Oil and water don’t mix!
Join the experts at South Seattle Community College’s Automotive Technology Program for a FREE auto leaks class – a $45 value! Watch our video and hear what past participants have to say: Classes are offered on September 22, October 20, November 17, December 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Space is limited. To register: e-mail or call 206-684-3056.
Use a Commercial Car Wash
Washing your car on the street or driveway sends soap and grime into the nearest storm drain. That pollution goes into a local creek, lake or Puget Sound, and harms fish and wildlife. Instead, take your car to a commercial car wash that reclaims the wash water several times before sending it to the sewer system for treatment.
Learn more ways Seattle Public Utilities is protecting and restoring Seattle’s waterways at