Customers missed today asked to put out all garbage, recycling, yard waste next Friday
The strike by Teamster Union Local 117 recycling drivers continues, and Teamsters 174 garbage and yard drivers continue to honor the picket lines. Garbage, yard waste and recycling will not be collected from most Waste Management Friday customers today.
View map of Waste Management’s service area.
Waste Management is expected to increase limited collection service today, focusing on those accounts critical to public health and the environment.
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) asks customers who are missed for collection today to put out their garbage, recycling and yard waste next Friday, Aug. 3. There will be no charge for additional items placed at the curb. Monday customers should put out their materials as normal.
The strike is affecting about 60 percent of the city, in Northwest and South Seattle. Teamster Local 117’s contract with Waste Management expired May 31. In Seattle, Local 117 represents only recycling drivers and other drivers are covered by separate labor agreements.
Collections by CleanScapes, which covers about 40 percent of the city are not impacted by the strike.
SPU continues to urge Waste Management and the Teamsters to engage in good faith negotiations toward a speedy and successful outcome.
Under its contract with the city, Waste Management is required to continue services in the event of any disruption. Specifically, any missed collections due to any labor complications must be collected later in the week, or the following week. Waste Management will not be paid for any non-service.
The contract allows the city to deduct approximately $4,500 per day in payments to Waste Management for any services that are not completed the next day. For any interruptions that continue more than a week, contractors can also be fined substantially for service failure, up to $250,000 per day.
Protecting public health and safety continues to be the city’s top priority throughout this collection disruption.
SPU will provide updates as needed. Customers with solid waste service issues or concerns may call the Call Center at 206-684-3000.
Customers with labor/union questions or concerns should contact Waste Management or Teamsters Local 117.