Opt-out postcards are also available in six languages, including English
More than one-fifth of all Seattle households and businesses have used www.seattle.gov/stopphonebooks, made a phone call, or mailed a postcard to opt out of telephone book deliveries since the city started the service a year ago.
Now opting out is even easier for Spanish speakers in Seattle, with the launch of a Spanish language option on the call-in line. By calling 206-504-3066 and selecting “9” for Spanish, the automated phone line provides instructions in Spanish to lead callers through the process of submitting a yellow pages opt-out request. Callers can also submit a complaint if a yellow pages phone book is delivered incorrectly despite a timely opt-out request.
Residents and businesses can also mail in a postcard to submit opt-out requests. The postcards are available in Spanish, as well as the following languages: Chinese, English, Korean, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. The postcards can be found at Seattle Neighborhood Service Centers throughout Seattle, or they can be requested by contacting Seattle Public Utilities at 206-684-3000.
Phone book deliveries can also be stopped online at www.seattle.gov/stopphonebooks. Instructions are available in PDF format on the website in the following languages: Chinese, English, Korean, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
More than 75,000 Seattle residents and businesses have stopped nearly 420,000 individual unwanted phone book deliveries — saving 375 tons of paper. Those savings will continue every year because opt-outs are permanent until the user opts back in. Typically, a Seattle home receives four yellow pages phone directories each year.