Polluted runoff is one of Puget Sound’s biggest environmental threats. Find out how you can protect it in a hands-on public event hosted by Green Acre Radio.
Every year rain water carries pollutants – including oil from vehicles, toxic chemicals from everyday living and pesticides from lawns and gardens – into our waterways.
But there are solutions! Cities, non-profits and concerned people everywhere are engaged – creating low impact development, installing rain gardens, growing native plants and lawns without pesticides, and maintaining their vehicles.
Join us to find out what you can do on June 19 at 6:30 pm at Jack Straw Productions in the U District, 4261 Roosevelt Avenue NE, with:
- Susan Harper, Rainwise Outreach Coordinator, Seattle Public Utilities
- Jo Sullivan, Community Relations, Green Stormwater Infrastracture, King County
- Ann Butler, Community Educator, People for Puget Sound
- James Bristow, Expert in whole house conservation measures, rain gardens and cisterns
- Cari Simson, Urban Systems Design, Consultant, Stewardship Partners
Light food and refreshment! Hosted by Martha Baskin with Green Acre Radio.
Green Acre Radio is a weekly radio program focusing on important issues in the environmental and sustainability movement, including wetland restoration, Puget Sound recovery, local food policy and ocean acidification. Produced by Martha Baskin and sponsored by the HumanLinks Foundation and the Russell Family Foundation in partnership with Jack Straw Productions and KBCS Community Radio.