Out with the old and in with the less toxic
Give your house a fresh start with a good spring cleaning. Dig into those dark places and you’ll likely find some hazardous things; stuff like bug sprays, automotive products, lawn and garden chemicals, drain and oven cleaners, paint strippers, home maintenance products and medicines.
How can you tell the hazardous stuff?
Hazardous products say CAUTION, WARNING, DANGER, or POISON on the label and cannot go in the trash. Take them to the Hazardous Waste Collection sites at no charge. Call 1-888-TOXIC-ED or visit lhwmp.org for more information.
Kids and chemicals don’t mix
Children can confuse household products with food. Kids don’t read labels, and some containers and labels look fun and food-like. Reduce your stash of products and use safer alternatives as an easy way to make your home more kid-safe.
What is safer?
Your favorite product may have a safer alternative. Read the label and buy products marked CAUTION or WARNING, not DANGER and POISON. Find some safer alternatives on the Household Hazardous Products List.