Most Pacific Northwest residents enjoy the region’s beautiful scenic views and accessible hikes. But one distinctive and overlooked quality of the Northwest is its long growing season. By knowing when and what to plant, you’ll be able to grow and harvest food almost year-round.
Many of the leafy and root crop plants are cool weather crops that can be grown in the fall and spring. To name a few, lettuces, spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and potatoes appreciate moist soils and cooler temperatures.
Various flowering plants, such as tomatoes, corn, melon, and cucumbers, are best grown in the summer. These plants seek out sun and heat, but like deep, consistent watering with some time to dry between watering.
There are a few easygoing plants that can be grown in fall, spring, or summer, such as the carrots, beets, and parsnips. To keep them healthy, regular summer irrigation is needed.
These helpful tips will allow you to eat from your garden almost all year-round, and build strength and flexibility as you cultivate your plants.
For more examples of cool, heat-seeking, and easygoing plants, read “The Art of Watering the Edible Northwest Garden” in this summer’s Savvy Gardener.
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