When a car is washed on a paved surface, like in a driveway or in a parking lot, the soap, detergent, automotive fluids, oil, and roadway dirt that gets rinsed from the vehicle goes straight into nearby storm drains. These storm drains lead directly to lakes, streams, and bodies of water in the Puget Sound area. This contaminated runoff, even runoff containing biodegradable soap, can cause significant harm to aquatic plant life, fish, and other animals. In short, something as seemingly harmless as a car wash can cause serious damage to local water quality.
What are my options?
- The best option is to take your car to a commercial car wash, especially if you plan to clean the engine or the bottom of your car. Most carwashes reuse wash water several times before sending it to the sewer system for treatment.
- Use soap sparingly. Use a hose nozzle with a trigger to save water.
- Pour your bucket of soapy water down the sink when you’re done, not in the street. Or wash your car on a grassy area so the ground can filter the water naturally.