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Utility Rates Provide Essential Daily Services

Seattle Public Utilities provides high-quality drinking water, recycling, garbage pickup, sewer and stormwater drainage services that protect public health and promote city livability. Our purpose is simple – we meet essential community needs while taking into account financial, environmental and social costs.

How We Are Making a Better Seattle

Solid Waste: To help the city meet its 21st century recycling goals, Seattle completed construction of a new $56 million dollar state-of-the-art Recycling and Disposal Station in South Park.

Water: Our annual Drinking Water Quality Report finds that Seattle’s tap water continues to be some of the best in the nation.

Drainage: A negotiated first-of-its-kind agreement with federal and state regulators will ensure the systematic control of Seattle’s chronic sewage overflows, while being cost-effective – saving the city approximately $375 million over the next 13 years.


1. Typical residential bills assume monthly water usage of 5.5 ccf (hundred cubic feet) for peak period water usage and 4.7 ccf for off-peak period water usage.

2. About 65 percent of Seattle’s sewer rate goes to pay King County for sewer treatment. Typical residential bills assume monthly sewer usage of 4.3 ccf.

3. Drainage fees are billed for SPU as a separate line item on King County’s annual property tax statements. The typical bill is a median bill.

4. Typical residential garbage service is a 32-gallon garbage container and 96-gallon yard waste service.